#COOPLAB is a project led by a consortium of 5 partner organisations established in 4 EU countries: Confédération Générale des SCOP (French worker co-ops) - France (coordinator), Escuela de Economía Social – Spain, Irecoop – Italy, CECOP – Belgium, Alternatives Economiques – France
The #COOPLAB project was carried out from September 2015 to January 2018 with the support of the Erasmus Plus Program of the European Commission.
The contents of the Start to Coop training device as well as the website and the videos are available in English, French, Italian and Spanish. They were developed by the consortium of these 5 european partners.
For further information: https://cooplab.escueladeeconomiasocial.es/en This publication reflects the views only of the authors and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
#Cooplab Identity Design and Creation
General conception and realization of the website cooplab.escueladeeconomiasocial.es
Writing and production of #Cooplab videos
180 Degrés Production - Nantes
Conception and realization of the Playcoop quiz