In the framework of the #CoopLab project, “coopworking enterprises” are the main types of cooperatives where the workers are also owners and co-managers of the enterprise (worker-members), namely:
- worker cooperatives, whose primary purpose is to provide worker-members with stable and quality jobs;
- social cooperatives, that serve the needs of the community providing different types of services of general interest (e.g. educational, social, environmental services, etc.).
Apart from sharing the same cooperative principles as for all types of cooperatives, they have some common basic features:
- the majority of their workers are members of the cooperative, thus co-owners and co-managers of the enterprise;
- jobs are created to last as long as possible and be transmitted to future generations;
- wages should compensate members’ work equitably;
- worker-members are autonomous and responsible in their work. This is why a permanent education and training of members must be ensured, in order to guarantee the good management and the development of the enterprise
- they facilitate professional development and mobility of their worker-members