Réinventer un espace de co-working « multi-entrées ». Le lieu articule diverses activités : location d’espaces de travail collaboratifs et ouverts, presse à vinyles, studio photo, services d’accompagnement d’entreprises et de formations artistiques, atelier bois low tech ouvert et collaboratif, café et boutique culture (Tera’Agora), jardins partagés. Chacun pourra, dans ce lieu, échanger, s’approprier des outils et s’autonomiser sur les techniques de fabrication, de création : TERAA s’inscrit dans la logique de capacitation. Il s’agit de rendre les individus autonomes par rapport à des activités dans lesquelles ils étaient en situation de dépendance, de leur donner du pouvoir sur le monde qui les entoure.
Terra or Terminal of exchange and artistic & artisanal resources is a Third-place founded by 5 independent partners, producers and creatives in Poitiers
Re-invent a multi-entry co-working space. The venue includes activities such as rental of collaborative and open workspace, vinyl press, photo studio, support services for companies and artistic training, open and collaborative low tech wood workshop, café and cultural shop (Tera ' Agora), shared gardens. In this place, everyone will be able to exchange, appropriate tools and autonomy on the techniques of manufacturing, creation: TERAA is in line with the logic of capacitation. The aim is to make individuals autonomous in relation to activities in which they are dependent, to give them power over the world around them.
At the origin of Terra
Sharing knowledge and know-how, creating human, cultural and economic synergies, working in a constantly evolving place is what has brought five people together on a common project.
They want to reinvent a space of co-working "multi-entries" in the city of Poitiers, where they met.
A meeting with two owners who wish to make live and provide viabilization of a place that has been acquired has made this dream come true: TERAA was born.
Creation of SCIC
The seven partners are eager to create a company in the image of the values they defend in the TERAA project: those of exchange and cooperation. They have a desire to organize the governance of the place themselves in a logic of independence and transparency. The cooperative society responds to this desire.
TERAA wishes to remain open to all those who find it, starting with the project initiators with different but complementary professional profiles (independent, creative, students, job seekers).
The logic of integration does not end there. So the beneficiaries of the place (coworkers, producers, labels or cultural associations ...) like TERA'AMIS (people sharing the values of the project) must have their place: TERAA is a SCIC, cooperative society of collective interest.
Location Dynamics
The site articulates various activities:
- leasing collaborative and open workspaces,
- vinyl press,
- support services for companies and artistic training,
- open and collaborative wood and low tech workshops,
- TERA AGORA: café and boutique culture,
- Shared gardens.
Everyone can, at will, exchange, appropriate tools and empower themselves Techniques of manufacture, creation: TERAA is thus in line with the logic of capacitation. The aim is to make individuals autonomous in relation to activities in which they are dependent, to give them power over the world around them.
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